Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back to Liverpool

Can you just imagine it. Three, well over 60 year olds, reuniting 50 years after they began university in Liverpool!

John, Michael and Charlie

Some onlookers suggested things would be a lot different. The city, the things they got up to and certainly their situation. Well yes and no.....
Liverpool no longer has the Beatles, but there is still a lot of nostalgia as you can well understand. The city is larger, but then so are the boys. As we visit the Halls they used to board in and the various houses they used to rent, very little has changed. As for the drinking holes, and there were a few, some look a lot smaller, one took a bit of finding as it was out in the country, but found it was and it hadn't changed a bit.

Squidly getting in on the act. Shame he has a chip on his shoulder

The best re-visit was The Philharmonic Hotel, a majestic looking pub hat the boys drank in often.

Not a thing had been disturbed since John had walked out 47 years ago with the exception of a small back bar they had drunk in, had been transformed into the 'Ladies'. The men's toilets had been described to me many, many, years ago as something quite extraordinary, The urinals were carved from red/pink marble and were more like little closets than just urinals. John cleared the way and we girls had a good look...Yep...impressive. Perhaps the saddest end to this line of investigation was their one local that had been turned into an old people's home. Appropriate??? That's not nice.

We took a ferry 'cross the Mersey and sang the song, we visited Penny Lane and that night performed an interesting rendition of 'Penny Lane' for the taxi driver, and that was on the way to dinner, not coming home!

And of course there had to be the photo shoot revisit where John had graduated outside the Philharmonic Hall. Where are those flowing robes and hat?

Obviously their situation had changed. They arrived in Liverpool as young bucks looking for fun, and returned as older gentleman with wives in tow. More experienced with such varied lives led, but still such a lot in common and still good friends. That is nice.
We had a great weekend, lucky us.
One thing was clear...they weren't out of practice.
(Sorry this is out of sequence due to tech difficulties. Should go before Wales)

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