Sunday, July 28, 2013


This is a weird, weird experience. We are in Wales and have just entered a closed village called Portmeirion. We have just driven back in time and into Italy.
There is a story...... 
Portmeirion is a tourist village in Gwynedd North Wales. It was built by its founder Clough Williams-Ellis to show how a beautiful site could be developed without spoiling it. He started work in 1925 and spent 50 years building the place. His motto was 'Cherish the past, Adorn the present, Construct for the future'.

Overview of the village

The township is like a walled city with a fence all around it and an entry gate you need to pay admission. It houses a wonderfully old but elegant hotel which has a fine dining restaurant and superb outside sitting area. As well, there are a selection of self catering cottages, shops and cafes, but I don't think anyone actually lives here.
Outside sitting area for drinks

It has been a popular site for filming TV series and movies with many famous actors coming to stay, including, Noel Coward, Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman and Paul McCartney. Probably the most famous TV series to be filmed here was 'The Prisoner' starring Patrick McGoohan as Number 6.
They hold conventions here, where 'Prisoner' fans converge on the little village, as many of the places used in the series have remained untouched for 40 years.
We decided to eat in the restaurant and have our pre dinner drinks on the terrace. Approaching the bar to order, we were told to go outside and he would attend us in a moment. But John had questions to ask about the selection of Ales. Ok, so the information was given. So, now go outside...but I know what I want, so how about you just write it down now and that will save you coming out. Good deal all round, or so we thought.....
20 minutes later, we were still waiting for our drinks.

It had been a long day driving in the heat, yes, heat, and it was also warm in the garden, so off JE trots in search of our order....half way there he's asked by another guest if he had had his drinks yet. 'No' said the thirsty one, 'why don't you come with me'....
And off they both went to have a chat, returning swiftly with drinks in hand and smiley faces. We had ordered the table for 8pm, so when the Parisian nazi like waitress came to take our orders, I suggested to her that seeing we had to wait so long for our drinks, she might like to return later. It's not that I like to play games, I just don't like bad service.
The meal was interesting, a chef trying to create dishes that were individual and somewhat different. Parts of the meal worked, parts didn't but I think overall, it didn't hang together.

 Still the atmosphere was really pleasant and we had I fine experience staying in a pretend piece of Italy.

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