Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's only a Model

Doune Castle near the picturesque village of Doune, is a 14th century courtyard castle, that sadly, was never completed. It's well known for being the setting of the movie...Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

The entry gate and into the courtyard was used for the Trojan Rabbit scene, the servery and kitchen was used for the scene where Sir Galahad the Chaste was chased by seductive young girls and the Great Hall was where the Knights of the Round Table did their song and dance routine. Finding myself alone in the Great Hall, I did break into dance singing 'spam-a-lot'

The marks on the wall are from cooks sharpening their knives

The wood oven

John wondering...about wood ovens or seductive young girls

There is an audio set with the tour done by Terry Jones, one of the Pythons, which has excerpts from the movie. Very entertaining indeed.
A well spent couple of hours....

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