Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Post Office

As we near the end of our trip and we look at how much we've accumulated, there is always the inevitable trip or trips to the Post Office to send excess stuff back so we're not hit with excess baggage costs. There is a trick to this so you're not hit with excessive postage costs either. Parcels need to weigh less than 2kg each, including the box they are packed in.
And so off I go with all my items in hand, clothes, cds, books and stuff and proceed to play box tetris to get them all balanced.
This PO is not user friendly. It's housed in a mini market which is responsible for the sale of anything used to pack goods, ie boxes, bubble wrap and tape. However, you don't know what you need to pay for, until it's all packed. So I wander to the back of the shop, to the PO area, laden with all my stuff, pack it all up and then have to take it all back to the front of the shop to pay for boxes etc, then lug it all back down to the PO area.
Packages sent, tick. Cards sent, tick.
Now the boxes need to be taped shut. As with nearly every other PO I have played this game, the girl behind the screen is happy to tape them for me. This is a service they are pleased to provide.....usually. Not this one.
 Misery just looks at me......
"What? Tape? Oh no dear. 'aven't got any tape"
And so, move all the boxes, find a roll of tape, storm up to the front counter, pay for it, storm back to the rear of the shop and proceed to tape all the boxes.
By this time, Misery has gone on her break, and a cheerful lass has come to take her place...
"Oh you have been busy...."
Three boxes all packed and taped...1.7kg, 1.795kg and 1.985kg.
SCORE. High five to me!
Now, one small parcel to go, but they don't sell smaller boxes do they. I have to leave the mini market, find a stationery shop, purchase a smaller box, go back to the PO, pack it up, tape it up and line up again, behind a woman who can't find the card she needs to withdraw money. She has every other bloody card in her wallet, but not the one to withdraw money...
 "Don't know what's wrong with me this morning," she rattles, "I know I had it here, but I just can't seem to find it now. Oh dear...."
Ten minutes later I'm out of there with another roll of bubble wrap for later, that I have to line up to pay for. Who should I be behind in the queue? Yep, and she's still wondering what's wrong with her this morning.
One more box to despatch on Friday morning....the all important beer glass purchased from The Castle Hotel in Inverness. At least I have the box, tape and bubble wrap secured. Posting should be a doddle.
I wish I hadn't said that........

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