Friday, June 14, 2013


After a days travel via Amsterdam, great airport, by the way, we arrive in Glasgow. Got a taxi from the airport to the apartment. Hop out of the taxi with the large red suitcases and somebody calls my name. I turn to have a man introduce himself as Eric, the chap who organises the accommodation.
'How did you know it was me????'
He just looked at the cases and shrugged.

The apartment is very nice, modern and across the road from The Beer Café, not much help, when they don't sell John's brands. Nevermind, the walk will do me good.

The day we arrive it quite hot and all the locals are out sunning themselves, just like they were in Italy!! Not!! There'll be some sorry skin tomorrow.

Out to Café Gandolfi for food and we jump straight in....Haggis, Neeps and Tatties for dinner.

When in Scotland.......

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