Friday, May 24, 2013

Montpellier to Nice

Off we go again.
We walk out of the apartment and on a tram to the station, how civilized. I wish it could be as easy as this all the time. Wheel the big red cases on and off with ease, no lugging them along the pavement.
The scenery along the way is rural until you hit the French Riviera. Then with the sea on one side and mountains, of both apartments and rock, on the other, it is most picturesque. Again, we take a little picnic, wouldn't want to go too long without sustenance.
This train has compartments rather than booked seats, so it's pot luck, where and with whom you sit. We scored a older (have to be careful when I say that now, cause I'm falling into the same category) French lady who was content to read her book, but sadly very little space to store luggage. And so, the big red cases had to be lifted on to racks in the compartment. Sigh...
This is the first and only time we've had to do this, so it's not been too bad, but they are heavy.
The policy of silent phones that I mentioned previously, was not observed by an Asian woman, who thought that by standing in the corridor speaking very loudly, it was ok to use her phone. What she didn't think about, was that she was annoying everybody in the carriage, not just her compartment!
We get to Nice and the weather is not. It's not far to the hotel so we wander along the street with all the other tourists and book ourselves in to a comfy Mecure, which was very good.

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